C of C Photo

School of 
Sciences and Mathematics

Physics &  Astronomy 
66 George Street, Charleston, 
South Carolina, 29424

Dr. Mikhail M. Agrest
Phone: (843) 953-1-359
Fax: (843) 953-4824

Office:  65 Coming Street # 212

E-mail agrestm@cofc.edu 

Making the News
and more 

P & C P & C Catalyst
 MEMBER  of...
Alma Mater: 
Speech Contests
Distinguished Toastmaster
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my books
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P  U  B  L  I  C  A  T  I  O  N  S,    P  R  E  S  E  N  T  A  T  I  O  N  S

Presented at 2001/02 Conferences:

First Annual Charleston Connections: Innovations in Higher Education Conference(see Friday)
SCSC 26th Annual Convention Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 
FALL 2001   & Spring  2002 SACS-AAPT MEETING
South Carolina Academy of Science  ANNUAL MEETING 2002
The Fourth Miami International Conference on Torah & Science
 The 124th AAPT National Meeting: Philadelphia, PA · January 19-23, 2002
Second Annual Charleston Connections: Innovations in Higher Education Conference

My Hall of Fame

Albert Einstein 
Israel Zinberg
Andrey D. Sakharov
Albert Schweitzer
A. Einstein
A. Sakharov
It's All Relative  
 Read about 
Agrests  on the 
Andrey Sakharov 
web page
Rabbi Haim Kupchan
Matest Agrest 
Iosef Shklovsky
Igor Tamm


My FAMILY and related I N T E R E S T S:

Visit International System of Units Guide

I grew up in  Sukhumi,
Capital of Abkhazia
formerly part of (Georgia)

My past projects' web pages: RS  Russian Studies Program   ;   Russian Club  ;  P & A Colloquium   ; P & A Department Library Liaison
O T H E R   U S E F U L  &  I N T E R E S T I N G   L I N K S
The Russian Academy of Science
University of St. Petersburg
Moscow State University Physics Department
Membrane related WWW-sites
Russian Education & Culture in general
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